Aniruddha has 20 years of experience working in the automotive industry with a focus on NVH and vehicle dynamics. He holds a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. For the last 15 years, Aniruddha is with Honda Development and Manufacturing of America, helping develop multiple iconic Honda & Acura vehicles such as Pilot, Odyssey, Ridgeline, MDX, RDX and TLX. In his current role he represents and leads the vehicle dynamic test division on a vehicle development project. Also as part of his current role he is leading a group responsible for car body specification setting for ride, handling, and NVH performance.
Talk title: Optimized body structure development for vehicle dynamics specifications using modeFRONTIER enabled reduced order models
In the conventional Product Development Cycle, setting the requirement specifications is a critical phase from product concept to validation. The optimized requirement specifications can reduce the time to market and can minimize the waste associated with product development. Setting the optimized system and subsystem level specifications related to vehicle dynamics performance such as ride, handling and NVH is challenging. The vehicle dynamics requirements are mostly objective, but they also have an element of subjectivity, hence creating these specifications are challenging. This paper explores a method to set the body structure subsystem level specifications related to system level ride, handling and NVH performance for optimized cost, weight and usable vehicle volume. Proposed method utilizes various reduced order models generated using modeFRONTIER to achieve this optimization.