An innovative leader with 25+ years progressive experience in Commercial and DoD System/Network Design, Architecture, Engineering, Integration and Sustainment, who has a proven track record of driving direction and strategic focus in the area of disruptive technology insertion while also coordinating overall state of research and exploration within Lockheed Martin Enterprise IT on behalf of the CIO organization. His current role has him as an LM Space Infrastructure Technical Lead focused on the Classified/Unclassified design, development, and deployment of infrastructure, platform and application services as aligned with Space Model Based Enterprise and 1LMX (OneLM Transformation).
Talk title: Reaching for the North Star - our model based enterprise journey from monolith to microservice, part 2
This presentation builds on an earlier presentation given at the ESTECO Technology Days in Tucson, AZ, where an evolving project has developed with Lockheed Martin Space to explore containerization at scale of the VOLTA Player with Kubernetes. It also explores the cost/benefit trade-off of leveraging elastic cloud resources versus HPC to perform MDO analysis and exposes learners to the foundational principles of Full Stack Engineering, DevSecOps, and the ability of IT to partner with the Business to solve real-world Engineering challenges.