Plymouth, Michigan

24-25 October

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Haysam Telib
Haysam TelibCo-founder and CTOOptimad

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering from Technical University of Munich, he obtained his PhD in fluid mechanics from Politecnico di Torino and acoustics from Ecole Central de Lyon for his dissertation on Aeroacoustic optimization of aeronautical propellers. During his Postdoc at University of Bordeaux and Politecnico di Torino he was appointed inviting researcher at Boeing to work on acceleration techniques for aeroelastic optimization. Since 2010 he holds the position of CEO & CTO at Optimad.

Talk title: Switching from simulation-driven to data-driven design by exploiting the synergy of VOLTA and romBOX

While the last decades witnessed the power of model-driven product innovation, lately data-driven approaches are pretending a strategic position in the virtual engineering eco-system. Acceleration of the decision-making process and enhanced collaboration by exploiting knowledge encapsulated in data is the main claim that both engineers and managers like. In this talk we will analyze deeply the path towards this objective and how VOLTA and romBOX can help in deploying scalable data-driven solutions.


24 Oct 2023 01:30 pm - 01:55 pm  MST
Switching from simulation-driven to data-driven design by exploiting the synergy of VOLTA and romBOX